Zhihao Liang
Personal profile
My name is Zhihao Liang and my student number is s3798366. My student email address is s3798366@student.rmit.edu.au. I come from China. I am studying information technology. I speak Chinese and English. In my free time, my favorite thing is to learn financial knowledge. I am into doing research about Quantitative Trading because I would like to analyze trading strategies and build a powerful trading system to make money automatically.
Personal test result
For the result of the first test: the Myers-Briggs test, I am an INTP-A called Logician (NERIS Analytics 2020). I prefer to collect objective information to make decisions. I would do a good job following the leader's arrangement. Charts, graphs and videos will also support my learning. I am a rational person and good at analyzing questions. I can do review work before submitting group assignments. In group discussions, I should try to be confident and express more ideas. From the learning style test, my scores were 59% auditory, 69% visual and 67% kinesthetic. The Big Five Personality Test result indicates that I am interested in new ideas and easy to accept new things.